Land World Record

Siachen Glacier

Expedition Update 5

Major Arun Prakash Ambathy


24th August 2021, Siachen Base Camp

Operation Blue Freedom - Land World Record Expedition Team Creates History

Today at 8 pm when a Convoy of 9 vehicles entered Siachen Base Camp carrying people with disabilities, a new frontier has been opened for people with disabilities in India.

Thus far only restricted to ‘able bodied’, the base Camp of the world’s highest battlefield has been conquered by people with disabilities.

This has been possible through the unflinching determination of the people with disabilities from across the country who are part of the expedition team, and also from the generous support of Indian Army.

That electric feel, when the convoy carrying the people with disabilities rolled into the Arch, which read “The Highest Battlefield – Siachen Glacier”, is hard to describe in words.

A giant stride has been taken by the collective humanity today. Old notions have transmuted into evolutionary newness.

They have set foot. There is no looking back!

Siachen, we’re here!